Research Papers from the Department in the year 2019-20
Research papers published in Journals
- , A Flexible Probabilistic Framework for Large-Margin Mixture of Experts
- , An Elementary Introduction to Kalman Filtering
- , Bootstrapping variables in Algebraic Circuits
- , Centralized Admissions for Engineering Colleges in India
- , Compiler Error Messages Considered Unhelpful: The Landscape of Text-Based Programming Error Message Research
- , Corruption-tolerant bandit learning
- , Dynamic DFS in Undirected Graphs: Breaking the O(m) Barrier
- , FALF ConvNets: Fatuous Auxiliary Loss based Filter-pruning for Efficient Deep CNNs
- , HetConv: Beyond Homogeneous Convolution Kernels for Deep CNNs
- , Instruction-Level Abstraction (ILA): A Uniform Specification for System-on-Chip (SoC) Verification
- , Machine Learning in Cyber Security: A Review
- , Proteus: Language and Runtime Support for Self-Adaptive Software Development
- , Spotting words in silent speech videos: a retrieval-based approach
Research papers published in Conferences
- , A Formal Approach to Secure Speculation
- , A Parameterized Perspective on Protecting Elections
- , Accelerating Extreme Classification via Adaptive Feature Agglomeration
- , An O(n^{1/4 +\epsilon}) Space and Polynomial Algorithm for Grid Graph Reachability
- , Attending to Discriminative Certainty for Domain Adaptation
- , Automated Classification of Web-Application Attacks for Intrusion Detection
- , Counting basic-irreducible factors mod p^k in deterministic poly-time and p-adic applications
- , Cross-Language Speech Dependent Lip-Synchronization
- , Decision-makers minimize regret when calculating regret is easy
- , Deep Topic Models for Multi-Label Learning
- , Distributional Semantics meets Multi-Label Learning
- , Efficiently factoring polynomials modulo p^4
- , Energy-aware Temporal Logic Motion Planning for Mobile Robots
- , Entangled Blockchains in Land Registry Management
- , Evidence for effort prediction in perceptual decisions
- , Framework for Question-Answering in Sanskrit through Automated Construction of Knowledge Graphs
- , Functional Analysis Attacks on Logic Locking
- , gemOS: Bridging the Gap between Architecture and Operating System in Computer System Education
- , Generative Models for Novel Class Sketch-based Image Retrieval
- , Globally-convergent Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares for Robust Regression
- , HetConv: Heterogeneous Kernel-Based Convolutions for Deep CNNs
- , Incorporating Syntactic and Semantic Information in Word Embeddings using Graph Convolutional Networks
- , Informative Discriminator for Domain Adaptation
- , KaTaPaYadi System
- , Ladder Gamma Variational Autoencoders for Graphs
- , Malware Classification using Early Stage Behavioral Analysis
- , Memory of relative magnitude judgments informs absolute identification
- , Multi-layer Pruning Framework for Compressing Single Shot MultiBox Detector
- , New tab page recommendations strongly concentrate web browsing to familiar sources
- , Online Feature Selection for Multi-label Classification in Multiobjective Optimization Framework
- , Planning failures induced by budgetary overruns cause intertemporal impulsivity
- , Play and Prune: Adaptive Filter Pruning for Deep Model Compression
- , Predicting body sizes using mirror selfies
- , Reachability in High Treewidth Graphs
- , Reachability in O(log n) Genus Graphs is in Unambiguous Logspace
- , Rethinking Support for Region Conflict Exceptions
- , Stability Based Filter Pruning for Accelerating Deep CNNs
- , Stochastic Blockmodels meet Graph Neural Networks
- , Targeted Example Generation for Compilation Errors
- , Testing Preferential Domains Using Sampling
- , Testing Preferential Domains Using Sampling
- , The Social Network Effect on Surprise in Elections
- , Unambiguous Catalytic Computation
- , Unexpected Tokens: A Review of Programming Error Messages and Design Guidelines for the Future
- , Unsupervised Synthesis of Anomalies in Videos: Transforming the Normal
- , Verification of Authenticated Firmware Loaders
- , Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation for Industrial Critical Infrastructures with Cyber Physical Test Bed
- , Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation for Industrial Critical Infrastructures with Cyber Physical Test Bed
Research Areas | Publications | SIGTACS | SESRes | SIGDATA | SURGE | SIGML | Vision